Based on my extensive experience and expertise in numerous modalities, I can assess the needs of teenagers to seniors and design customized, effective treatment recommendations.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage is a generic, or “umbrella” term describing a modality, or combination of modalities, that aims to relieve muscular tension. Because the goal is to decrease pain and increase mobility of muscles, tendons, and joints, the pressure is greater and more focused than a typical Swedish or relaxation massage. It is a highly useful method for releasing muscular stress due to malalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries.
Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is critical to ensure that the work does not exceed your comfort threshold. Keep in mind that soreness may occur after treatment. This is normal, and should subside within a couple of days.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points are tender or painful areas of tension that refer pain to another area of the body. This FREQUENTLY means that your pain originates from a different area of your body than where you actually feel the discomfort.
I have studied the comprehensive Myofascial and Trigger Point Therapy volumes by Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons cover-to-cover, and completed a full-year study program based on these books. I am skilled at knowing where the specific trigger points are that could be causing your pain. Combining Trigger Point Therapy with numerous other treatment modalities creates results that can be lasting and profoundly transformative.
Neuromuscular Therapy
Neuromuscular Therapy is a specific, targeted approach to treating many types
of musculoskeletal pain. Its various manual techniques are highly efficient and effective at enhancing the health of the soft tissues throughout the musculoskeletal system, thereby decreasing pain.
Created by Douglas Nelson, (licensed massage therapist, educator, and author), Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT) is more than a technique or modality; it is a way of applying clinical reasoning in soft-tissue therapy. Three broad principles help define PNMT:
Deductive. For every symptom presented, there are multiple possible causes. How can you get to the most likely source as efficiently as possible?
Science-based. Therapeutic techniques are driven by research, rather than philosophically based.
Client-focused. Because the causes of every symptom can be different, each client should receive a customized treatment, rather than a routine or recipe. One size fits nobody.
After taking hundreds of hours of training in PNMT, I will be certified in this program soon. For more information:
Sports Massage
Highly active people engage in athletics that are highly taxing to the muscles and joints, which can lead to short-term or lingering injuries. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping:
Prevent injury
Reduce pain and swelling
Improve neuro-motor efficacy
Increase flexibility
Dramatically improve recovery rates
Relax the mind
Encourage kinesthetic (body) awareness
Promote the body’s natural immune function